1. Introduction

This website is owned and operated by CNS Saúde, Lda., located at Bairro de Santo António, No. 47, 2560-280 Torres Vedras, with tax identification number 508 786 134, (hereinafter referred to as CNS). The use of this website is subject to these Terms of Use.

CNS – Campus Neurológico is a group of companies whose main activity is the management of health units, integrating several entities that offer a wide range of health care services.


2. Acceptance of the Terms of Use

By using this website, the user (hereinafter “User”) agrees to these Terms of Use.


3. Changes to the Terms of Use

CNS reserves the right to modify, add, update or delete these Terms of Use at any time and without prior notice. The User is advised to periodically check this page to stay informed of any changes. If they disagree with any condition, they must cease using the site.


4. Access to the Site

Access to the site is free of registration. CNS may, at any time and without prior notice, suspend, partially or totally, access to the site, whether for maintenance, updating or at its own discretion.


5. Use of the Site

The User undertakes to use the site in accordance with the law and the following rules:

  • Not to send or share content that is illegal, false, threatening, defamatory, or that invades the privacy of third parties.
  • Not to use the site to share information that they do not have the right to make available, such as content protected by copyright or personal data of third parties.
  • Not to transmit materials that contain viruses or other harmful codes.
  • Not to use the site for commercial purposes without prior authorization.
  • Not to remove copyright or proprietary notices.
  • Not to impersonate another person or entity.
  • Not to send SPAM.
  • Not to collect or store personal data of other users.

The User must use the website responsibly and carefully, recognizing that the use of the website is at his/her own risk.


6. Intellectual Property Rights

The User acknowledges that the content of the website, including texts, images, graphics, sounds and animations, is protected by intellectual property rights belonging to CNS or third party licensors.


7. Personal Data

The use of this website may involve the collection of personal data. For contact requests, clarifications, complaints or suggestions, the data provided will be treated in accordance with the Privacy Policy available on the website.


8. Information

The information provided on the website aims to inform Users about the services and activities of CNS and its associated companies.


9. Responsibility and Guarantees

The website is provided by CNS with the aim of disseminating information about its activity. However, we do not guarantee that the website or its features will meet the User’s expectations. The content of the website does not replace professional medical advice.


10. Links to Third Party Sites

The website may include links to third party websites. CNS does not control, approve or assume responsibility for the content of these websites. The use of such links is at the User’s own risk.


11. Security

CNS makes every effort to ensure that the website is free of viruses and other harmful elements, but cannot guarantee the absolute security of information transmitted over the Internet.


12. Validity of Terms and Conditions

If any provision of these Terms of Use is held to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue in force.


13. Questions

For any questions regarding these Terms of Use, please contact us by email at [email protected] or by letter to Bairro de Santo António, N. 47, 2560-280 Torres Vedras.


14.Applicable Law

These Terms of Use are governed by Portuguese law.


15. Competent Court

For the resolution of any dispute related to these Terms of Use, the courts of the District of Torres Vedras will be competent.


Last updated: May 28, 2024

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